About the concept

I hope you'll enjoy these pictures of the artists at the "Parktheaterfestival" 2011 and 2012 at Lokeren.
Instead of photographing these theater artists in the park, as their 'natural stage', I decided to organize the photo shoot in a temporary studio near the park. For this I had several reasons:
First of all I wanted the audience to be able to enjoy all artists, and their shows, as much as possible, undisturbed by my camera nor myself.
The second reason was of a more conceptual kind: I wanted to create a uniformity between all artists, as well as their relation with the audience, without the audience itself being visible in the pictures. I created this uniformity by photographing all artists the same way, in front of a neutral background, far from their normal environment, in other words: irrespective of place and time. In this way all attention is focussed on the artists, their characters, faces, emotions, creativity and their props. This becomes the natural "fil rouge" of this photo shoot. When watching the photos, the audience, whilst not being present in the pictures, will get to play the leading role.
Thirdly, this Park Theater Festival can only exist through the efforts of many hard working volunteers. As all of them are doing their jobs, especially during the shows, they are never able to watch nor enjoy them.
This way, I tried to fulfill my personal mission: "Photography beyond the picture".
I hope this pictures will be a great souvenir to all artists and "helping hands" at the "Parktheaterfestival" 2011 at Lokeren!

Kind regards,
Danny Eeraerts
EDphotography. Beyond the picture.

All images on this website are. ©EDphotography 2013. No form of reproduction, including copying, downloading or printing a file is permitted.